I happened to stumble upon this website last April while blog-hopping.
Hah! Since my mouth definitely waters down a river whenever I went prying over books, I immediately ravened this cake in no further ado. It’s like I was hearing a thousand tiny bells ringing around my head that moment, so tantalizing…

Oh, and take note: after having signed up, everything in this book business works so simple dude!

I had already mailed my copy of Bernhard Schlink’s ‘The Reader’ last May, and just yesterday, I received my first mooch – Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Weeeeee!
And thanks to Patricia, the former owner of the book for being kind to let me mooch her copy.
So, do you plan to go bookmooching too? You can add me up to your boockmooch friends, or mooch some of my books if you like. [username is taonggubat]